
Our Expertise Includes:

  • DepositionsLuminex-homepage2
  • Arbitrations
  • Expert Witness Testimony
  • Public Hearings
  • Administrative Hearings
  • Medical and Technical Testimony
  • Criminal, Civil and Family Law
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Contract Negotiations

Affiliations With:

  • Interpreters
  • Videographers
  • Court Reporters in Other States

Court Reporters Who Can Provide:

  • Daily Copy
  • Open/Closed Captioning
  • Real-Time Translation (CaseView, LiveNote)

Our Services Include:

  • Statewide Service
  • Deposition Suite and Conference Room in Albuquerque
  • Video, CD/DVD & Cassette Tape Transcription
  • Zoom Video Conferencing
  • Prompt transcript delivery

Our Transcripts Include:

  • Full size Original
  • Condensed 4:1 or 6:1 format/miniscript or full size copy
  • Word Index/Concordance-style indexing by page and line number
  • PDF-it/electronic version (upon request)
  • Litigation Support Compact Disk (upon request) in your choice of format:
    • ASCII
    • PDFpdf-it-create
    • Summary
    • Word
    • Amicus
    • Word Perfect

Call or e-mail us with your request today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Woman and Minority Owned